Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hace algunas semanas publiqué vía Twitter que "podría ir y repartir abrazos". Si bien la idea había quedado en el olvido, diversas situaciones me hicieron que lo volviera a pensar y fue hoy 28 de Febrero del 2012, que la idea tomó forma y me lanzé al centro de la ciudad de Monterrey, mi barrio origen sería el lugar ideal para comenzar.
Me costó mucho trabajo poner manos a la obra, ya que estaba muy nervioso, pero recordé lo que me llevo a ese momento y entonces comencé: Detuve a un grupo de 6 personas (3hombres y 3 mujeres) y amablemente les pedí que me regalaran 5 segundos. De inmediato me di cuenta que era la prueba de fuego, ya que una de las chicas me preguntó: "¿Para qué?" De inmediato le dije: "Es para regalarles algo muy especial" En tono de broma y con una sonrisa, me respondió si "iba a regalarle un collar de diamantes."
Ahí fue el momento cumbre, le respondí: "No, solo quiero regalarte un abrazo y desearte que tengas un buen día, el mejor de toda tu vida." Se quedo callada, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y viéndome mientras le decía lo mismo a todo el grupo.
A partir de ese momento algo me invadió, seguí saludando y abrazando a todo el que se me ponía enfrente. ¡Estaba eufórico, lleno de alegría y ellos se marchaban muy contentos!
Recibí muchos comentarios positivos de la gente y solo 4 personas argumentaron "no tener tiempo". Aún así, les agradecí su atención y les di el mensaje, voltearon a verme y sonrieron, por lo cual considero que logre aportar algo a su día.

Me siento feliz, casi al borde del llanto, ya que fue una experiencia positiva que planeo repetir. En este momento tengo muchas ideas que podrían ayudarme a mejorar la experiencia.

Agradezco a Dios por darme tanto amor y la habilidad de repartirlo.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reviviendo el Blog
Despues de muchisimo tiempo de no andar por aqui, una vez mas trato de revivir esta cosa. En esta ocasion tratare de utilizarla para llevar un record de mi plan de entrenamiento. Como algunos de ustedes saben, me puse a dieta y comenze a hacer ejercicio, gracias a eso y la gran ayuda que me ha dado Jaime con la corrida he logrado bajar la nada despreciable cantidad de 9kg. Aun me falta bastante para llegar a estar en forma de nuevo, pero se que no es imposible, pues ya lo he logrado antes.
A continuacion publicare el plan de entrenamiento que comenzará el Lunes 24 de Agosto 2009, asi como las metas que me trazare y tratare de cumplir.
Plan de Entrenamiento

Lunes 300 Trote ligero
Martes Tabata Corrida
Miercoles Rutina sin pesas Corrida
Jueves 300 Trote ligero
Viernes Tabata Corrida
Sabado Rutina sin pesas Corrida

Las metas que he trazado tienen una fecha limite, la cual es el dia 31 de Diciembre del 2009
Llegar a los 85kg de peso
Correr un 10k
Dormir 9 horas
Cada semana me pondre un reto, asi que aqui va el primero
Reto de la Semana 24-30 Agosto 2009
Estar listo para salir de mi casa a las 07:30

Con esto me despido, estare checando el blog ;) y la siguiente entrada oficial sera la oootra semana con el update

Monday, November 19, 2007

El guardian de Los Nara

Que onda razita, aqui, actualizando este pdo.
Muchas cosas nuevas...desde hace no se cuanto que no escribia aqui.
Este fin de semana laaaargo estuvo bueno, comenzando desde el viernes y hasta hoy haha
Pues resulta que, el chuco nos abandono o tal vez se fue a cumplir sud estino como guardian del inframundoo tal vez se fue a ownear lolis como le enseñe...espero haya llevado dulces haha

Ayer me eche un rolecito por la CJMC y estuvo chido, eso si...hasta el keke de gente, lo bueno estuvo con los gamers y el GH3...che rojo, estas enfermo caon =P

Ah y pues obvio, vi a mucha raza que hace un buen no veia, sera porque ya tenia mas de un año sin pararme por ahi? quizas...puede ser...
No faltaron los comentarios de "no que no iba a venir el Lex?" y ondas por el estilo hahaha

Por el momento es todo...ya vere que irle metiendo a esta mare ara que lo sigan leyendo ok?
ahi se ven...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kept you waiting uh?

Hello everyone, thanks you for reading this.
I'm really sorry for not update this before, so much things had passed.
I got a new job, and thats cool because I have to pay some bills xD.

2 weeks ago, we hosted a Lanparty on the house, it was very cool, we played CoD2,
but the hottest game was Lord Of The Rings:The Battle For Middle Earth. This game
put us to think instead of mere shooting, RTS are mi kind of games hehe

Last weekend was my mother birthday, we went to eat and share some time together.
In the middle of these events, there was a very speacial day, my sister invited me to
a dinner, in the day the church made announcement of his marriage. So, after the work,
I waited for my mother and we went to the place my sister told us, while we was there,
I talked to my mother about a big decision, I told her that I want to become a missionary,
she was surprised, but she told me "If you have thinked about it and thats OK with you,
then it's OK with me". I have to take rid of some things before doing that.
I think it would take me 2 or 3 months to get rid of my debts xD, but I'm sure i'll start next year as a missionary.

Well, that's all for now, see you around fellas =D

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Raton Affair

Hello everyone, here I am =b

A few months ago, my sister adopted a cat, and she gave her the name “Pelucas” because of the hairstyle the cat had xD, after some time, 2 new guest arrived, the mother of pelucas, hereafter known as “the mother”, and his little sister, she named her “raton”

Pelucas and raton, live in the house entrance, they spent most of his time there, a month ago we notticed that the mother was pregnant, and she was living in another part of the house... she gave birth to four kittens, and pelucas gave birth to 2 cats, so raton has been a little sad, yesterday we discover she is sick, the doctor said that it's because of the rain,she has some kind of flu xD

I took her to the doc and after he said that, my mother decided to leave she there for his recovery, the doctor gave her vitamins, and some other medicine, and we expect she will be O.K.

At night I was prepared to sleep, and suddenly Chano challenged me to a Winning Eleven Match, so I told him, OK, but I dun't want you to get traumatized after I beat you. We started to play and the first match he won in extra times for a 3-2 score. I told him, that was because I didn't want to slaughter him and leve him crying. At that time Elliot, Martin and Hector arrived at house, and Elliot asked for a match, he played against him and I won but dun't remember the score, it was a good game, because it was some kind of difficult to score the goals, then I played against Chano once more and I owned him by a score of 6-1 xD.

After that he played against Elliot again, and in the meantime I was eating some tostadas hehe. Then Chano said, “we could play another thing like...” and I shouted “We should play DBZ Budokai” and everyone agreed, so we started to play haha it was very fun. So I can say it was a Videogame Night xD

Cabritos Army Style.

I was happy of spent some time with my friends in things we enjoy a lot, because it was fun of laughs and jokes. In the afternoon I was some kind of bored but at the end I was very happy =D

Spent time with friends is very important, because we can share a lot of things, even without talking, and that is very good, enjoy the company of your friends every time you can ;)

In other things, I went to some tests for the job, it was pretty easy, and a lot of funny, specially the part when they ask: “Draw a person”, “Now draw a person of the opposite sex”, “Now write a story about the two of them”. I like that stuff of making stories of fictional characters, because you can merge the reality with the fantasy, and create an alternate story about something that actually happened.

My best wishes to all, May God be with you

Matthew 5:16: Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Weekly Report =p

Hi to everyone who reads this

Everything has been good since last update, thanks Jesus.

Past friday, was a rainy day, but it doesn't mean it was a bad day, in fact it was a very good day!

I was able to go downtown with a lot of people, where we was singing to the lord, praising him and giving some flyers to the people that were passing by. It was awesome how the rain was becoming even harder, some of us ended dancing in the rain. It was a very grateful experience.

Later that night I went to see the Superman movie, it's a good movie, if you see it, you wont be dissapointed. The movie ended almost at 2:00 of Saturday! And the movie theatre we went is very far of my house, the good thing is that all the people who live here went too. So we shared a taxi, it was a very long trip, really long! I don't know wich way the driver took, but it was a “panoramic route” xD

On Saturday I woke up early, and went to my mothers house, and I stayed there until Sunday. I was talking with my sister about many things, but not for too much, because she went to school =(

Monday I went to a job interview, and they sent me to some medical tests for the next day, thanks God I'm healty so no doubt the test are gonna be O.K.

The place where I went to the test is a little far from my house, so in Monday night i went to my aunt house and I stayed there, before going to sleep, I was reading and studying Bible, and my uncle saw me and asked what i was doing. When I told him he was happy about that, at first he had an “I can't believe it” face, but in the end he was smiling.

And yesterday... it was like a “day off” so I made some cleaning on the house, and spent some time playing with Chano. At night, Martin made salsa and we eat it with tostadas, it was so hot! I mean, my stomach and my tongue were burning, but it was so funny to see Martin's face, he was saying “It's too hot, we should ditch it, it's an evil salsa”. But I told him, “No, we can make some eggs with salsa tomorrow for breakfast” hahaha

Well I hope you enjoying reading a bit of my life, God bless you all =D

Matthew 15:27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Best Is Yet To Come

The title comes for many things, one of those is: "It's the song i'm hearing"
and the other is because it's true, everyday we live, we get better thigs,
and that's a blessing.

Each morning I wake up feeling the wind, hearing the birds,
and it's so beautiful that I just say "Thanks Jesus for waking me up this way"

This was a very good week, I learned lots of things and shared time with my family and my friends
Wednesday I was on my way to buy some things and when I get on the bus I saw 2 girls,
one of them had a booklet in his hands and was shaking it and drop it, the other one took it.

Then I saw the front of the booklet it was of religious content,
and I didn't understand why she looked so angry. Then I felt like I had to talk to her,
but I didn't know what to say. Suddenly I get a lot of ideas, and after a few minutes I started to talk.

She said she was angry about the content of the booklet, but she didn't read it all,
just made an "overview", then I told her, wanna read another thing?.
She asked me "it's catholic?" I answered "It's about Jesus", and she said "ok, let me see it"
I gave her a booklet

When she was reading, she invited his companion (I think they where sisters) and they suddenly had a smile on his face. Unfortunately I had to get off the bus, but i wished my best to them, and I think they where happy about the reading

I know I have a lot to learn on how to Testify, but I think is a good start, and the happines I felt after that it's a great reward.

I almost forgot!!

Last week I went to an event, it was a puppet show and food for some kids, it was very cool to see the happines on the kid's faces. It was on a school in San Bernabe, all was full of joy =D

I hope I can participate in more things like this =D (Thanks to the Rescate ppl for invite me)